Many pregnant people suffer from nausea and vomiting, especially in the first few weeks. Although this can be very uncomfortable, it usually has no harmful effects on the fetus. However, if you feel so sick for so long time that you vomit for days on end, you should talk to your doctor or midwife. You may lose so much fluid from vomiting that you need treatment. Sometimes medication is even necessary. In milder cases, however, proven home remedies such as ginger often help. You can take ginger as a tea as well as powder or in a capsule.

Nausea and vomiting often occur as early as two or three weeks after conception. This may help you realise that you are pregnant even though you haven't noticed a missed period yet. Morning sickness in particular is considered an early indicator of pregnancy. In fact, many pregnant people get sick at other times of the day as well. Usually the symptoms are particularly severe in the 5th to 12th week of pregnancy. In many cases, they lessen again starting in the 13th week of pregnancy.

Some people can prevent nausea and vomiting just by slightly changing how they eat during pregnancy. For example, it can be good to have a first small meal before getting up. Several small meals spread throughout the day are often better than just two. For example, one rule you could follow is to eat six small meals rather than three large ones. Large portions can also be burdensome. In any case, it's good if you eat a light, low-fat diet. In fact, fatty foods slow down digestion, which is more tiring for the body. Very acidic foods and drinks are also disadvantageous. You should avoid acidic fruits and fruit juices during pregnancy. It is especially important that you drink enough - preferably in smaller amounts more often throughout the day. If you still have morning sickness after the 16th week of pregnancy, try to stop eating after 6pm if you can. Often the food is still in your stomach the next morning and is not digested during the night. Many pregnant people also find vitamin B supplements or acupuncture helpful. It is best to consult your doctor or midwife about these options. Some midwives also offer acupuncture as an additional service and can treat you themselves.