Female genital cutting is a procedure practiced primarily in some African and Asian countries. In this procedure, the clitoris, parts of the clitoris or even the labia of female babies or young women may be removed. In some cultures, a so-called infibulation is also performed, in which the vagina is also closed. This procedure is often performed on babies, but it can also affect toddlers and girls just before adulthood. If you were cut and are now pregnant, you need special medical care. You should therefore let all the people who looked after you know as soon as you can. If you are in distress because your daughter is to be cut, please contact a pregnancy counselling centre or the Early Help Network (Netzwerk der Frühen Hilfen) counselling centre. If they can't help you there directly, then you can get in touch with aid organisations that have a lot of experience with women who have experienced genital cutting. If you need help quickly or do not dare to go to a counselling centre, you can also call the Violence Against Women helpline. Women can call 08000 116 016 for advice in 17 languages.