District of Kassel supports you
Frühe Hilfen, Landkreis Kassel
Frühe Hilfen unterstützen ein gelingendes Aufwachsen der Kinder im Landkreis Kassel. Sie richten sich an (werdende) Eltern und Familien mit Kindern bis zu drei Jahren. Während der Schwangerschaft oder nach der Geburt eines Kindes sind Familien mit einer völlig neuen Situation konfrontiert, die es zu meistern gilt. Nicht selten fühlen sich Eltern in dieser neuen Lebensphase erschöpft oder auch überlastet. Neben dem Neugeborenen müssen eventuell zusätzlich ein oder mehrere Geschwisterkinder versorgt werden und der normale Alltag ist nebenbei auch noch zu bewältigen. Wir, die Frühen Hilfen, sind ein Familienservice. Wir beraten werdende Eltern und junge Familien mit Kindern bis zu 3 Jahren bei Fragen rund um das Familien‐Dasein vor und nach der Geburt. Wenn Sie in der Schwangerschaft und nach der Geburt das Gefühl haben, in dieser neuen Lebensphase Begleitung und Hilfe zu benötigen, dann können die Frühen Hilfen genau die passende Unterstützung sein.
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If you are looking for a midwife, please contact us at willkommen-gesundheitsamt@kassel.de
Things you should know about pregnancy
‘Der Mutterpass’: A Record of Prenatal and Natal Care
The German maternity record (Mutterpass) is an important document that will accompany you until the birth of your child and beyond. You will receive it from your gynaecologist or your midwife as soon as your pregnancy has been safely established. Your maternity record lists the check-ups and screenings that are specified in the German maternity guidelines (Mutterschaftsrichtlinien) and are paid for by statutory health insurance. The results of all check-ups are entered in your maternity record. These data provide information that is important for birth and postpartum care. This documentation is also helpful in the event of another pregnancy. The information recorded in your maternity record is very important in case of medical emergencies during pregnancy. That's why you should always have your maternity record with you!
Breastfeeding: The Best Start for Mother and Baby
Most parents who give birth can breastfeed their babies. Breast milk is sufficient as the sole food for infants for the first six months after birth. It not only satisfies hunger, but at the same time provides exactly as much liquid as the baby needs. It is also rich in substances that promote your baby’s growth and overall health. Breastfeeding your baby strengthens their body's defenses against disease, and better protects them against allergies and infections. Your breast milk passes antibodies and cells that your immune system has formed on to your child. Artificial milk does not contain these important ingredients. Also, the close skin contact during breastfeeding strengthens the emotional bond between you and your child. Last but not least, many parents find breastfeeding convenient. Breast milk is always at the right temperature and is always available. You will have these benefits even if you are only partially breastfeeding your baby.
Why Babies Cry and Scream
The first weeks and months with a new baby are a beautiful but exhausting time for most parents. A baby's frequent crying or screaming can be a challenge. Maybe you're irritated because you don't understand what your baby needs? Remember that you are just getting to know each other! You will learn over time what your baby wants and how to comfort them. The baby will also gradually learn to self-soothe. It's okay to admit that sometimes the baby's loud screaming and crying gets on your nerves. You're not alone in feeling this way. It is perfectly okay to ask family members or friends to take the load off you.
Counseling and Assistance for Single Parents
Raising a child alone is a big task that many mothers and fathers master day after day. Even as a single parent, you face the challenge of doing right by your child, yourself, and possibly your job. To manage this balancing act, it can be helpful to have a network of supporters who can help and step in when needed. This can include relatives or friends. But different governmental offices or professional counseling centers can also be part of this network or support you in building such a network for yourself.