You have made it through the birth of your child in one piece, you are both doing well, and yet you are very sad? Maybe you're disappointed or you feel like crying all the time? Don't worry, a lot of people feel that way. There are many reasons for this. One of them is exhaustion. After all, childbirth is physically and mentally very exhausting. It's also possible that the birth went differently than you imagined. You may have experienced severe anxiety and felt unsafe. Everyday life with a newborn also brings many new challenges. For example, because the baby might not drink well and cries frequently or because you hardly get any sleep. In addition, your body must completely readjust. The sudden end of pregnancy hormones can promote sad feelings, thoughts, and the urge to cry.

Almost half of all people experience a low mood after going through childbirth. If possible, just let yourself have a rest first. Get support from people close to you to help your recovery. Sometimes it helps to have someone support you around the house or spend time with the baby. However, if you feel down or very stressed for more than a few days, talk to your doctor or midwife. You should also do this if you have trouble sleeping, don't want to get out of bed, or if you have excessive anxiety or anger for a long period of time.

If you feel very bad for a long time because you are constantly sad, not really interested in anything, don’t have an appetite or can hardly concentrate, this may be postpartum depression. This may include being afraid of not being able to care for your child properly or of making mistakes. This is known as postpartum depression and it can begin soon after childbirth. But life can also become very stressful weeks or months later. The important thing to know is that you don't have to simply endure this condition or try to pull yourself together. If you suffer from these feelings, you should definitely consult your doctor or midwife. They can tell you what types of help and support are available and where to get it. In fact, postpartum depression is very treatable. You can also go to the emergency room of a psychiatric hospital or get help via the emergency number 112, which is valid throughout Europe.

In extremely rare cases, the stress of grief, anger, and fear becomes so great that it causes severe, unfamiliar, and disturbing changes to one's perception. This can be a state of severe mental confusion, for example. Some people then also suffer from delusions or hallucinations. For example, you may hear voices that no one else can hear. You may also see figures that you can’t be sure are really there, things may suddenly seem to move, or streets and spaces that are familiar to you may suddenly seem narrower or wider. Perhaps these perceptions come along with a sense of intense fear. If this is the case, you need to contact your doctor or midwife as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, contact a psychiatric clinic or get help via the emergency number 112 to protect yourself and your child. If you accept medical and psychological help, postpartum psychosis is also very treatable.