All important data regarding previous pregnancies will be entered on the fourth page of your maternity record (Mutterpass). This is where your gynaecologist or midwife notes, for example, how your previous births went and records the weight and sex of your babies at birth. There is also a checklist of counselling topics on this page of your maternity record. These help your doctor or midwife structure consultations and give you comprehensive information.

When discussing previous pregnancies, you will also be asked about complications. This information is important for your current pregnancy. Your pregnancy may be classified as a high-risk pregnancy based on this information. This means that your doctor or midwife will be keeping an extra close eye on your pregnancy. As examples of the sorts of complications that will need to be clarified, there are various technical terms in the table provided. For example, in Germany Abortio is the medical term for a miscarriage. Abruptio is the technical term for an abortion in Germany. ‘EU’ is the common German abbreviation for an extra uterine pregnancy. This is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, i.e. an abdominal pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. In both cases, the embryo cannot be carried to term. Uncomplicated birth histories are also included in the maternity record notes. For example, a spontaneous birth is a vaginal birth without special medical intervention. A vaginal operation is a surgical intervention during childbirth, for example a delivery with the aid of suction or forceps. In German, the word Sectio is used to describe a c-section.

At your first check-up, you will receive advise on various topics concerning your health and that of your baby. You'll find these topics as a checklist on the bottom half of page four in your maternity record (Mutterpass). Your doctor or midwife will using this list as talking points for their discussion with you. They will ask you questions about your diet, medications you take, and whether you drink alcohol or smoke. Medical advice on birth preparation and pregnancy counselling is also documented, as is medical advice on HIV antibody testing, oral health and early cancer detection.

You can get tested for HIV voluntarily during pregnancy. In this case, it will be noted that a test has been done on page four of your maternity record (Mutterpass). The result of the test is not recorded, however, so this sensitive information is known only to you. The cost of the test is covered by your health insurance.