Doctors or midwives will note any special findings that they observe during the course of the pregnancy on the sixth page of your maternity record (Mutterpass). They are referred to as special findings. This refers to results from tests or screenings and general findings. They affect your health as well as the fetus's. Detection of a multiple pregnancy would also be documented here. The list of possible special findings includes 26 items. As is the case during your first check-up, your pregnancy will be classified as a high-risk pregnancy if any of the points applies. Ask your doctor or midwife to tell you exactly what the impact of this would be.

At the check-up, your expected due date will be entered on the sixth page of your maternity record. The first day of your last menstrual period is defined as the first day of pregnancy. From that point, it takes an average of 266 days until delivery. This method of calculation has become accepted because menstruation is the safest point of reference for many pregnant people. Your doctor or midwife may adjust the date entered within the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy. An ultrasound examination can help determine if the pregnancy is at a different stage than first thought. However, there can be no complete certainty about when the baby will be born. Most children are born within the ten days before or after the calculated due date.

Abusus Constant consumption of stimulants such as alcohol, drugs or cigarettes

Anämie Anemia

Dauermedikation: Continuous medication: Long-term medication, meaning continuous, regular intake of medication

Einstellungsanomalie Malpresentation of fetus: Unfavourable position of the child in the pelvis

Gestationsdiabetes Gestational diabetes: Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy

Hydramnion Polyhydramnios: Too much amniotic fluid

Hypotonie Hypotonia: Low blood pressure

Hypertonie Hypertension: High blood pressure

Indirekter Coombstest positiv Positive indirect Coombs test: Incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood types

Isthmozervikale Insuffizienz Cervical weakness: Weakened or shortened cervix

Ödem Oedema: Fluid retention in body tissue

Oligohydramnion Too little amniotic fluid

Placenta: The placenta

Placenta-Insuffizienz: Placental insufficiency A dysfunction of the placenta

Placenta praevia: The placenta blocks the normal birth path

Risk from serological findings: This may be, for example, the absence of rubella protection or the presence of antibodies detected in blood tests.

Terminunklarheit Unclear due date, meaning the estimated date of birth can’t be calculated