If you don't breastfeed your baby or only partially breastfeed your baby, infant formula from the supermarket or drugstore is the alternative. You can get different products such as formula that comes ready-to-drink in a bottle or formula that comes in the form of powdered milk. There are different types of infant formulas. In Germany, early infant formulas are roughly divided into ‘initial milk’ formula (Anfangsmilch) and ‘follow-up’ formula (Folgemilch). The ‘initial milk’ formula (Anfangsmilch), which is more similar to breast milk than the other formula products for babies, is available in Germany as so-called ‘pre-milk’ (Pre-Milch) and is marked with a numeral ‘1’ on the packaging. Always prepare the baby food fresh and follow the instructions on the package. If you are feeding your baby with formula in addition to breastfeeding, give your baby the breast first and then the bottle. All formula products from pharmacies, drugstores and supermarkets are developed and sold according to strict standards, regardless of price.