Particularities concerning your health are noted on page 9 of your maternity record (Mutterpass). Under a German heading that translates to ‘particularities of check lists A and B’, you will find notes on the two so-called ‘risk check lists’, which you will find on pages 5 and 6 of your maternity record. For example, the person doing your screening will note whether you have chosen to have an amniocentesis due to your pregnancy being considered a high-risk pregnancy. They will also note whether any specific blood tests were done or if they discussed a particular topic with you.

If you’ve had to go to the hospital during your pregnancy, this will be noted in its own small chart. There you will find an overview of the most important findings and therapies from these hospital stays.

The fetus's heart activity as well as the contractions of your uterus are recorded in the table with a German heading that translates to ‘cardiotocographic results’. Both are determined by the CTG, which is short for the English technical word ‘cardiotocography’. The German term is ‘Herztonwehenschreibung’. The CTG is evaluated and noted as either normal, suspicious, (i.e. worth keeping an eye on) or pathological (i.e. abnormal). For the CTG, two electrical sensors are attached to your abdomen with an elastic band. One measures the fetus's heart rate. This creates the cardiogram. The other records if there are uterine contractions. This creates the ‘toco reading’. Both graphs show curves recorded over a period of at least 15 minutes. There is no evidence that a CTG can have any negative effects on the fetus.

The official German maternity guidelines (Mutterschaftsrichtlinien) state that a CTG will only be done if you are past your due date or if there are other peculiarities to your pregnancy. However, many gynaecologists, obstetricians or midwives still do a CTG every 14 days after the 28th week of pregnancy. If they believe there is a need for it, they may do them even earlier, more often, or both.